"LOOK & SEE" to play 2017 Sundance Film Festival

We withdrew our film this summer from circulation to make some small changes.  We also retitled the film from THE SEER because Mr. Berry expressed misgivings about being identified in the office of prophet.  Withdrawing a film slows momentum...  but the additional time really has let us improve the film.  It provided us a chance to turn some some of the film's half-notes into whole notes and others into rest notes. 

We recently were notified that our revised edit of LOOK & SEE would have a chance to premiere at The Sundance Film Festival in January.  As noted in the Hollywood Reporter.

This year, the festival will launch The New Climate program, the first time it has ever dedicated programming to a specific theme. Three projects announced Monday are part of that program, including Susan Froemke, John Hoffman and Beth Aala’s Rancher, Farmer, Fisherman in Documentary Premieres and Laura Dunn and Jef Sewell’s Look & See: A Portrait of Wendell Berry in Spotlight.

There has perhaps never been a time where Wendell Berry's voice is more needed.  He gives voice to an underrepresented segment of the American population and advocates for a different way of seeing.  We are honored that Sundance is bringing more attention to this vital writer and eloquent advocate for family farmers. 


European Premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival


New LOOK & SEE Poster