Big Week next week in Kentucky

Our crew heads back to Kentucky next week.  As our previous shoots captured the visual quintessence of fall and winter, we are hopeful that spring won't disappoint.

The snowfall begins during our winter Steadicam shoot

As an added surprise, Laura Dunn (our film's director/producer and editor) was invited to speak on "Healing" at Louisville's Festival of the Faiths.   Laura will share excerpts from THE SEER: A Conversation with Wendell Berry footage shot to date with attendees.   Thursday May 15th from 7-9PM.   In addition to Laura, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Gary Snyder and Wendell Berry himself will discuss their decades-long friendship with moderator Jack Shoemaker.  Shoemaker, owner of Counterpoint Press, is publishing select correspondence of Snyder and Berry in a new book called "Distant Neighbors."  (Advance copies will be sold at the event)

Wendell Berry isn't the only person speaking at "Festival of Faiths..." Our very own Laura Dunn is as well.

If you're around, we'd love to see you at Laura's presentation! 


Nick Offerman hosts another Fundraiser in LA this Sunday


Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Farmer Boy"